Talks given in International Conferences
- December 2021 - Talk (25 minutes) about
Cryptanalysis of the Rank Preserving Signature (RPS).
18th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC 2021), virtual conference [website]. - December 2020 - Talk (25 minutes) about
Improvements of Algebraic Attacks for
solving the Rank Decoding and MinRank problems.
ASIACRYPT 2020, virtual conference [video 🎥].
Talks given in International or National Workshops and Seminars
- November 2021 - Talk (1 hour 30 minutes) about
Cryptanalysis of the Rank Preserving Signature scheme (RPS).
Code-based Cryptography Workshop in Paris, France. - April 2021 - Talk (1 hour 30 minutes) about
Improvements of Algebraic Attacks for Solving
the Rank Decoding and MinRank Problems.
Joint Online Crypto Seminar for ENS of Lyon, Royal Holloway, University of London and CWI, Amsterdam, [website]. - April 2021 - Talk (2 hours) about
Gröbner bases in Cryptography through
the example of the Rank Decoding Problem.
Algebraic Rewriting Seminar, online seminar, [website]. - December 2020 - Talk (1 hour) about
Improvements of Algebraic Attacks for
solving the Rank Decoding and MinRank problems.
Code-based Cryptography Workshop, online workshop. - December 2020 - Talk (1 hour) about
Improvements of Algebraic Attacks for
solving the Rank Decoding and MinRank problems.
Limoges Computer Algebra Seminar, online seminar, [website]. - November 2020 - Flash talk (5 minutes) about
Algebraic Attacks against Rank-Based Cryptosystems
Journées Codage et Cryptographie (JNC2) 2020, virtual conference [website]. - May 2019 - Talk (30 minutes) about
Generalized Sparse Matrices and Applications to Decoding and Cryptography.
Structured Matrix Days 2019 in Limoges, France, [abstract] [photo].
- Spring 2018 - Few talks (1 hour 30 minutes each) in High Schools in Limoges, France. Introduction for High School Students to Cryptography and Research in Mathematics.